Jo’s passion for beauty, fashion and photography has been with her from a very early age. Do you remember Girls World, the big plastic dolls head with hair! Well this was the starting block for Jo to display her love of makeup and styling when she was a little girl.

Jo studied hairstyling, beauty therapy, graphic design and photography at college and understands how looking good affects the way you feel about yourself.

So helping others achieve the feel good factor is what motivated her to have a successful career in the hair and beauty industry.

During her early 20’s, Jo’s passion for fashion, styling and beauty took her to competition and she competed for numerous awards in the hairstyling field where success rained upon her.

Whilst she was competing, Jo was spotted by a model agency and began a side line career as a model. It is during this time that Jo learnt all about body shapes, styling tricks and beauty tips of the trade.

Jo has a love of writing, hence the birth of Crystal and Vanilla and is willing to share all the beauty secrets she has learnt over the years.

Although, Crystal and Vanilla was initially developed to be a small personal blog, demand for Jo’s writing and reviewing skills have grown and the blog has turned into a magazine! Something Jo is tremendously proud of.

Jo has many strings to her bow, she also trained at the London Jewellery School in making bridal jewellery and tiaras.

Do you want to look great and feel fabulous? Then Crystal and Vanilla is here for you.

Crystal and Vanilla is a place to feel inspired, with her professional tips and beauty advice Jo wants to make you feel and look your best by giving you the confidence to be the person you want to be.

It’s all about real advice for real people, dip into Crystal and Vanilla when you want to and we hope that everyone will take something positive away with them. Even if it’s just a recipe for a sticky, delicious cake!

Along with recipes, restaurant/hotel reviews, fashion, lifestyle, entertainment, news, interviews and much more, we hope you enjoy what you find.

Happy reading everyone!