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BetterYou DLux 3000 Vitamin D Oral Spray

  • Post category:Lifestyle
  • Reading time:3 mins read

BetterYou DLux 3000 Vitamin D Oral Spray has been one of my best finds for improving my wellbeing in 2016!

A bit of a statement I know!

But I’ve seen my health improve in leaps and bounds and that’s something to be shared with you!

After having facial shingles last year my immune system took a bit of a battering.

I couldn’t work for four months and I didn’t see daylight for most of that four months!

Knowing that I was well and truly not getting my daily dose from the sunshine, I took to reading up about the benefits of vitamin D.

I realised that I had symptoms that suggested that I could be lacking in vitamin D.

My moods were low and I was picking up every virus and infection going.

So I bought two bottles of the BetterYou DLux 3000 Vitamin D Oral Spray.

BetterYou DLux 3000 Vitamin D Oral Spray Bottle1

There are 100 sprays in a bottle and you take one spray per day.

Each spray delivers 3,000iu of vitamin D3, the most bioavailable form with a natural peppermint oil flavour.

Only natural ingredients are used and the spray is suitable for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It’s also suitable for vegetarians and anyone on a diabetic diet.

I’ve been using this product for one month now and I can honestly say I have seen such a transformation in my health.

Happy, happy and happy!

My moods are out of this world, in a fabulous way!

Every dark cloud I had has lifted and all I feel is positivity!

I have such get up and go!

I’ve also not had this awful winter bug that has been doing the rounds!

BetterYou DLux 3000 Vitamin D Oral Spray

  1. Take one single spray daily.
  2. I take mine last thing at night.
  3. Sprayed onto the inside of my cheek.

BetterYou DLux 3000 Vitamin D Oral Spray– Where To Buy

If you are seeing symptoms like mine then, consult your GP but I would totally recommend trying the BetterYou DLux 3000 Vitamin D Oral Spray because it’s like sunshine in a bottle!