Tarte Foundcealer Review
Tarte Foundcealer Review, this product has been a joy to use and cuts putting my makeup on by a considerable amount of time!
DermaGlo Collagen Review
DermaGlo Collagen Review, when I was asked if I’d like to review DermaGlo I did my research first!
Peach Melba Collagen Shot
Peach Melba Collagen Shot, yummy! Now the people that know me, they know I love my Collagen Shots!
Real Techniques Blush Brush
Real Techniques Blush Brush, one of the best blusher brushes I have and I don’t think it could ever be beaten!
Daniel Sandler Billion Dollar Body Shimmer
Daniel Sandler Billion Dollar Body Shimmer will make you feel a billion dollars after application!
NHP Natural Haircare Programme
NHP Natural Haircare Programme products were sent to me free of charge, but as always my review is an honest account of the results I got using them.